Playaz blog.

Latest news and blog updates

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A New Look!

We've had a re-skin, and we hope you love it as much as us!

Our new launch

Added: 13/03/2024

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Introducing Skeleton Sites

Affordable Web Solutions for Small and Start-up Companies

Skeleton Sites

Added: 08/01/2024

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Elevate Your Brand

with Affordable Logo Design: Introducing Playaz Logostock!


Added: 09/12/2023

Website Building blocks

5 essential elements every small business website should have.

Website elements

Added: 03/04/2024

Use of blogs

Why Incorporating a Blog Section Boosts Your Website’s Performance.

About blogs

Added: 26/11/2023

Web Design Trends

Unlocking Web Design Trends for Startup Businesses and Smaller Companies.

Web design trends

Added: 02/09/2023

Common web design mistakes

From confusing navigation to slow load times.

Here's how to steer clear of these blunders.

Web design mistakes

Added: 02/07/2023

Pitfalls of DIY websites

There are several reasons why these are not the answer.

In this article, we address them.

DIY Dangers

Added: 17/04/2023

The Power of Presence

Why Every Small Business Needs a Website.

Why web design?

Added: 05/06/2022

Business cards. Still Useful?

In today's fast-paced digital world, where networking often happens with just a click or a swipe, one might wonder about the fate of the humble business card.

Why business cards?

Added: 24/02/2022


Understand what good SEO is how it works and the do's and don'ts of good Google search engine optimisation.

Learn about SEO

Added: 20/09/2021

What are "Call to Actions"?

A "call to action" basically, tells your Website's/Advert's audience what to do next.

What are "CTAs"?

Added: 14/03/2021